What famous person ,real or fictional,do you admire?
The person that I admire most is Leonardo Da Vinci.
He was the representative artist of the Renaissance in Italy.
First time when I had known him is I was upper grades of elementary school and I had known him by NHK TV program .The program was series type to be continued about 6 .
He looked like real SUPERMAN for me, because he had been familiar with
all things in nature.
Painting, sculpture, architecture, music, science, mathematics, engineering, invention, anatomy, geology, regional geography, botany,etc,,,
Fortheremore, his almost achievement were original and creative.
For example The Annunciation to the Virgin Mary is a de fact debut work of Da Vinci as painter.
In this work he had used new skill that did not exist until then.
It would be seen in the distance on the contrary though large.
When her arm is viewed from left side, it looks fine.
He had created a new perspective.
He is one and only person for me.
If he would be alive , I would absolutely try to meet him.
A few years ago Da Vinci Exhibition was held at TOKYO NATIONAL MUSEUM.
I could watch his many works there, off course The Annunciation to the Virgin Mary.
I had enjoyed many excitement and bought many Da Vinci’s goods.
I want to visit ITALY ,because I will be able to meet my Da Vinci.
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